A fixed rate loan means you have the same repayment every month for the length of your fixed rate term. Fixed rate loans are great if you want to know exactly how much your loan will cost each month. If market rates go up or down, you pay the same amount each month.
At the end of a fixed term, you will move to a variable rate mortgage. Rates on variable mortgages may be higher than a fixed rate mortgage, so you must make sure you can afford any changes to your payment amount once your fixed rate comes to an end.
Fixed rate loan summary
- Know exactly how much you will pay each month during the fixed rate term
- Initial fixed rate terms of 2 to 5 years available, depending on the loan product
- Rates available from 4.08% to 7.30%
- Loan is paid in Pounds Sterling and repayments are only accepted from income earned in Pounds Sterling
- An early repayment charge may be payable if the loan is settled within the fixed rate period. The interest rate will change to a variable rate which be described in your mortgage illustration
- Loan must not be used for business purposes